Founder and Member of the Board of NGO "Vchennya" leader communication direction, chief accountant, trainer.
Kyiv University of Law of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine Applicant for education in the specialty law Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman. Specialty: Enterprise Economics
Professional Development
Scientific Center «Practicum» — «Accountant + 1C 8.2 + Chief Accountant» European Space — EU Project Course «Financial Management Course» «Compass Group» Capacity building academy — Course «Accounting in the non-profit sector» «Compass Group» Capacity building academy — Course «Financial management of donor-funded projects»
Professional experience
6 years as an accountant, financial assistant
3 years as chief accountant
6 years of work with non-profit organizations
Areas of Professional Interest
Accounting support for international and national projects in non-profit organizations
Training on the peculiarities of accounting in non-profit organizations