Coffee with an Expert

We invite you to participate

«Coffee with an expert as an inspiring element in your activity.»

This is more than a training, seminar or lecture!

This format of the meeting guarantees a favorable atmosphere for a lively discussion on topical financial issues in the field of public organizations.

Why is it worth joining?

  • You will gain practical knowledge of financial management of projects that you can put into practice tomorrow.
  • Exchange experiences with other participants and expand your network of contacts.
  • Get exclusive tools and resources to support your activities.

Within 2 hours, an expert with unique experience Olga Saukh — will answer your questions and provide professional advice in the field of finance NGOs.

The number of places is limited

02064, Kyiv,

Chervona Kalyna Avenue,

89B, Office 19

+38 063 408 79 35

© 2024 NGO "Vchennya"